Rachel's Vineyard Ministry
Are you hurting because of an abortion? Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion.
Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.
To know more about us, follow this link: http://www.rachelsvineyard.org/aboutus/index.aspx
To inquire, or register for any upcoming retreats,
contact Elaine at 306-480-8911 or r.vineyardsk@sasktel.net.
Rachel's Vineyard Ministries of SK
Retreat Date: October 4, 5:00 pm - October 6, 4:00 pm, 2024
Rachel's Vineyard Ministries of SK weekend retreats offer an opportunity for healing to women and men who have struggled with the emotional and/or spiritual pain of abortion.
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat, written by Teresa Burke, PhD, focuses on God's love and forgiveness in a non-judgemental environment. Spiritual exercises focus on God's forgiveness, compassion and mercy which help participants work through repressed grief and anger. There are certified counsellors and a priest involved in every retreat.
The retreat is a chance to escape from the daily pressures of work and family, to focus on a painful time in life, and to begin healing through a supportive process. Many preconceived fears of condemnation are transformed into blessings, many memories of abandonment, pain and confusion are replaced by peace and reconciliation.
The retreat is open and welcomes all individuals seeking healing.
For more information or to register, please contact Elaine at 1-306-480-8911 or email r.vineyardsk@sasktel.net.
Rachel's Vineyard Ministries is a world wide, post-abortive healing ministry that was established in Saskatchewan in 2008. Since then, we have held 1 or 2 retreat weekends a year, helping men and women heal from the devastating effects of their choice to abort their children.
Statistics show that over 64% of these women are coerced by others into making this decision. Others chose that option because of fear. Also, the culture of death, that is so prevalent in our society today, says that it is legal to kill an unborn child, which only makes that decision easier. People think they can erase their mistake. Of course, we know that the child is not a mistake, but it takes time for the parents of these children to realize that. After experiencing the effects of post abortion syndrome, which could be a multitude of things from denial, night mares, drug and/or alcohol abuse to suicidal tendency, they finally reach out for help. That is the reason for the existence of Rachel's Vineyard, to help those people come back to Christ who is the true Healer in their lives.