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National/ Diocesan Collections

There are six national and one diocesan collections that are requested by the church yearly. The dates of these special collections will be listed at the end of the collection explanations. The special collections are as follows:

1.Development and Peace:

The Bishops of Canada endorse the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. Each Lent, in co-operation with other churches, they continue to bring the needs of the Third World before the people of our country and encourage all to respond to God’s generosity by supporting the works of CCODP. On the 5th Sunday in Lent, a collection is taken up for developing countries. Christians are urged to share their goods with others and thus express in a concrete way their desire to come closer to God and all God’s children as a result of their Lenten efforts. The offering should reflect the money saved through penitential fasting and set aside for God’s people. While the importance of this action for others should be emphasized, it should be kept within the framework of Lenten practice. External and social penance is encouraged by the Church and can be expressed through this collection.

2. Needs of the Church in the Holy Land:

This collection is taken up on Good Friday as requested by the Pope. The funds raised are used by the Pope to support the Church in the Holy Land.

3. Diocesan Collection for Vocations

This collection is taken on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Funds raised are used to promote and support vocations in the Prince Albert Diocese.

4. The Pope’s Pastoral Works:

Two-thirds of the funds collected directly support the pastoral mission of the Holy Father in his service to the Universal Church by financing the various Secretariats, Dicasteries, Academies, and other institutions of the Holy See. The other third supports the fund known as Peter's Pence, which, in addition to supporting the needs of the Holy See, also devotes a portion of the money to charitable projects. 

5. Catholic Missions in Canada

This collection is taken on the 3rd Sunday in June. Funds raised are used to support the works of the Catholic Missions in Canada who have funded the sacred efforts of missionaries as they proclaim His word here in Canada.  

6. Needs of the Church in Canada:

Each year the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) is asked to speak out, give leadership, and provide guidelines for the faithful on a wide variety of topics. In order for our Bishops to be able to make sound judgments on modern topics, they must have the benefit of research and expert advice. Research and gathering information require staff, time, and money. Through the yearly Bishops’ collection for the needs of the Church in Canada, an appeal is made to all Catholics to be generous in supporting the work of their Bishops at the Conference level. Most dioceses have the collection at this time, but an individual diocese may choose another date. We are also asked to pray for the work of the Bishops and to participate in and cooperate with the various projects of the CCCB.

7. World Mission Sunday:

Every Christian shares in the mission of the Church and that all should become more involved in today’s missionary work. It is the responsibility of all believers to spread the Gospel. Each Christian community must “pray that the Lord’s message spread quickly and be received with honour” (2 Thes 3.1). Pastors should consider inviting members of the parish to fast and pray during this week for the missionary work of the people of God. A growing understanding of the Church’s mission will also encourage responsible giving to the national collection for World Mission Sunday. The national collection (from which collection some of our Canadian dioceses still benefit), provides brothers and sisters in mission dioceses with the essential support they need to become self sufficient.

Excerpt(s) from the Ordo – Liturgical Calendar. Copyright © Concacan Inc. All rights reserved. 
Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.


The dates for the special collections in the Diocese of Prince Albert are as follows:

                                                                               2025             2026


Development and Peace                                    April 6        March 22


Needs of the Church in the Holy Land              April 18       April 3


The Pope's Pastoral Works                                 May 25        May 10


Needs of the Church in Canada                        Sept. 28       Sept. 27


World Mission Sunday                                        Oct. 19         Oct. 18


Diocesan Collection for Vocations                    May 11          April 26


Catholic Missions in Canada                             June 15         June 21

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