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July Saints

July 3 - St. Thomas

St. Thomas is the patron saint of judges and architects.

July 9 - St. Augustine Zhao Rong

St. Augustine Zhao Rong is the patron saint of China.

July 20 - St. Appolinaris

St. Apollinaris is the patron saint of Ravenna, and Emilia-Romagna.

July 25 - St. James

St. James is the patron saint of hatmakers, rheumatoid sufferers and laborers.

July 4 - St. Elizabeth of Portugal

St. Elizabeth of Portugal is the patron saint of healing family rifts.

July 11 - St. Benedict of Nursia

St. Benedict of Nursia is the patron saint of Europe.

July 22 - St. Mary Magdalene

St. Mary Magdalene is the patron saint of perfumers.

July 29 - St. Joachim and St. Anne

St. Joachim is the patron saint of grandfathers, fathers, and grandparents. St. Anne is the patron saint of grandparents, couples without children, women in labor, and women unable to conceive.

July 5 - St. Anthony Zaccaria

St. Anthony Zaccaria is the patron saint of physicians.

July 13 - St. Henry

St. Henry is the patron saint of the childless of Dukes, of the handicapped and those rejected by Religious Orders.

July 23 - St. Bridget of Sweden

St. Bridget is the patron saint of Sweden, as well as the co-patron saint of Europe alongside St. Catherine of Siena and St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross.

July 29 - Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus

St. Martha is the patron saint of cooks, dieticians, homemakers, hotel keepers, single laywomen, maids, and travellers. All three saints are the patron saints of siblings.

July 6 - St. Maria Goretti

St. Maria Goretti is the patron saint of purity, young women, and victims of assault.

July 15 - St. Bonaventure

St. Bonaventure is the patron saints of bowel disorders.

July 24 - St. Sharbel Makluf (Charbel Maklouf)

Sharbel Makluf is the patron saint of those who suffer in body and soul.

July 30 - St. Peter Chrysologus

St. Peter Chrysologus is the patron saint of Imola, Italy.

St. Francois   de   Laval   -   May    6

St. Francois de Laval.jfif

St. Francois   de   Laval   -   May    6

St. Francois de Laval.jfif
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