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Liturgy of the Word with Children

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If you would like to check out the three resources by Katie Thompson for Children's Liturgy, they can be borrowed from the Diocesan Resource Centre. If you would like to purchase them, Debbie in the Resource Centre can also help you. The number for the Resource Centre is 306-922-4747 extension 229. Or you can email Debbie by clicking on the first link below.

The Diocesan Liturgy Office has produced a number of excellent "Diocesan Ministry Booklets." There is one Guide for 'Liturgy of the Word with Children'. You can find the Guide by clicking on the second link below. One piece of the Children's Liturgy celebrations is the 'homiletical reflection.' The resource, pictured on the left, by Katie Thompson, is the one recommended by the Diocese.

If you wish to see any of the other liturgy booklets that have been produced by the Liturgy Office, you can do so by clicking the third link below.

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